Monday, February 18, 2013

T minus ONE WEEK

Ok kids. The official countdown has started. Exactly one week from now I'll be on a plane to Seoul...
I'm a bit nervous cos it'll be my first time flying alone, but I'm not too worried, cos I don't mind asking for help or directions or just wandering aimlessly 'til I stumble upon where I need to go.

I've been looking through classes that I have to choose from, trying to narrow down which ones I want to sign up for. Of course I'll be taking a Korean language class, hopefully at a level slightly higher than beginner. I already know a bit so I'm gonna really disappointed if I have to sit through half a semester of stuff I already know. ANYWAY other classes that caught my eye were: Diversity in Language and Culture, Premodern History of Korea, The World and Christianity, Drawing Workshop I, Therapeutic Use of Music on Human Behavior, Korean Aesthetics, and Contemporary Korean Fiction. I'll have to choose 2-4 of these classes to take this semester....

That's all for today, I suppose this blog thingy won't get exciting until I'm actually abroad :P

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