Thursday, February 28, 2013

Orientation Day

 Hey Lovely People! So yesterday was Orientation day, so we had to spend like 4 hours in an auditorium being welcomed to campus and told how to register for classes and stuff. The best part was free buffet lunch, I'll admit ^_^ Kimbap and fruit and japchae and potato/seafood salad and some mini eggroll things and some barbequed meat on a stick! YUM!
Then we went on campus tours and geez we only were introduced to like 5 buildings and this campus is huge but honestly I'm not too worried about finding my way around, the maps are really helpful and I'm gonna find my classes before they officially start up so I make SURE I don't get lost!
So that all wrapped up around 4:30, maybe, so then a couple girls and I decided to go walk around and find this convenience store called Daiso, because I needed to get a bowl and other eating stuff.
There was lots of adorable stuff there, and I almost bought a cup with some cute Engrish on it, something like "Hope you have a happy Tiger", but instead I bought a more adorable cup with baby animals and some Japanese on it :)
BRB I want some Banana Milk...

Anyway! Afterwards we went and got dinner at a place called Mr. Pizza. The pizzas in Korea are a bit different from those in America, and hopefully I'll try them all someday, but this time we decided to try Bulgogi Pizza!
 Bulgogi, or Korean BBQ, is beef marinated in this really really good sort of sweet marinade. It also came with a little cup of butter and sweet pickles, and I can only assume we were supposed to eat those with the pizza, cos I definitely dipped my pizza in them. It was pretty good :) It was also good luck that we'd decided to eat at Mr. Pizza, because at the table next to us were all the Ewha PEACE Buddies. The Peace Buddies are Ewha students who are here to help us adjust to life here and also organize activities for us to do, such as the Welcoming Party at the Barfly club that was going to happen later that night.....But more about that later! We ended up asking the Peace Buddies where we should go with the check, and that's how we learned to take the check up to the counter where we'd come in.

There was this cute little comic book about how Mr. Pizza was created :)
napkin holder at Pizza place...Why does it say "love for women"?? We still don't know

Bought this cute ice cream at Orange Mart. It's vanilla strawberry on top and apple ice on the bottom!
Went back to campus and went our separate ways until we'd meet up again at 6:15 to go to the International Education Building, where everyone was going to gather and go together down to the BarFly for the party.
All dressed up?
So we were this huuuuge group of exchange students migrating through the streets of Seoul to this club, and we all honestly just felt too tired to party, but we were gonna try anyway! Especially cos they gave us all coupons for 3 free drinks ;) Hollaaaa! Here's some pics of the walk over...

Sexy Beer Man

The BarFly
You can also sort of see the little store next to the club...where this old lady came out and yelled at us for being a nuisance and stopping people from coming to her store...>_< So they club people talked to her and then made us move the line around to the other side so we weren't in front of her anymore...
Why is the club "Occult III" themed??
So it was really super loud inside, like not as loud as clubs and parties usually are...And why would they make it so loud if this is supposed to be a place for us to mingle and get to know each other? Whatever, it was still fun :)
My friend put her Minnie Bow on me...

New Friends! (yay, I'm making friends! *hyperventilating*)

After our free drinks ran out, we bought more. This is my Pink Panda :)

Store outside the club. "Something Women Want" WHY DO THESE RESTAURANTS WANT TO PLEASE WOMEN SO MUCH? is it just cause they're near a women's university??
Another thing, even though this is a Woman's University, there is actually quite a lot of guys here too. Sure, they're in the minority, but there's definitely quite a few male exchange students. Cool, huh?
So we left around 9:30, I think? We were all super tired and didn't want to stay until 11, when the party would end. We left and luckily one of the girls in our group is from here, so she called her gran and got some directions back, because we weren't quite sure if we knew the way back, especially since we were all slightly tipsy... :P Turns out the club is actually really easy to get to from Ewha, and we know how to get back if we ever want to go party there again.
Once again all the street food smelled heavenly on the walk back, and I saw a few cute shops that I want to go back and visit...
While we were walking and chatting, one of the girls suddenly stopped and said "G-Dragon alert!!" so I had to stop and take this pic... I love that man :P
GD for Saem
Aaaand then we got back and chillled in the lounge, got each other's contact info, and chatted about random stuff like Kdramas, BB cream, North Korea, and the possibility of a sandstorm today... if it is a sandstorm, I can't tell, all I know is it's really windy and colder than it was earlier. I do need to buy a mask though, for times when smog is bad or if an actually bad sandstorm does come in.... I'll make sure and buy a really cute mask tho ;)
Sooo yeah! Then I got to sleep in and then I just went out and got lunch and now I'm here updating my blog! Maybe I should go buy detergent, I think my roomie and I are gonna do laundry tomorrow...
More to come! Love you all! Please comment if you can, I love hearing from you guys!


  1. I love reading your blog,makes me feel like you are right here with me. Glad your having fun and making new friends. love and miss you,Mom

  2. I love reading your blog too. It's fun to see from a different perspective. Anyway, your posts distract me, indeed. I gotta study for my last midterm exam: Philosophy and Frnech. lol;;

  3. Oh, by the way, those characters 수저, 젓가락, 포크 literally means spoon, chopstics, fork in 한글. :)

  4. that sexy beer man actually makes me want to drink the beer... and that pink panda looks taaaasssty! yay, looks like fun :)
    *G-Dragon swoon*

  5. ALSO OMG THAT PIZZA LOOKS FLIPPIN DELICIOUS! how is it that I'm in Italy and the pizza in Korea looks better...?
