Friday, March 1, 2013

Dinner Adventure!

Me and my friends K and J (names shortened for some anonymity, unless they're ok with me using their names :P ) decided to go out for dinner tonight! We decided just to walk around until we found a nice place to eat. We wanted to go somewhere we could eat actual Korean food instead of you know, sandwiches or japanese food or something. Finally we came across this restaurant with some yummy looking Galbi dishes (marinated and grilled meat) we went inside and were seated at a table with a hole for the grill in the middle! YAY I always wanted to eat at a place like this, ever since seeing it in dramas and stuff! We ordered a galbi dish with vegetables...
fresh in the pan, pre-cooked...

Ready to eat! YUMMM!!! <3
At first we weren't sure if WE were supposed to stir it up, or if the server would come by and stir and cook it for us...but we soon found out that we didn't need to touch it at all cos it seemed like every time a server walked by they'd stir it up. Seriously, as soon as one server left another took their place like, 5 seconds later. There were also some side dishes you could optionally pick up, like kimchi (spicy cabbage), pickled radish, shredded lettuce, and cucumber sauce. I'll say that the meal dipped in the cucumber sauce was my personal favorite. The sauce really balanced out the spiciness of the galbi.
Another point of interest: the silverware and napkins were in a little drawer on the side of the table. Super convenient! They only had rice spoons and chopsticks, but that was fine with us :)

We decided to go shopping at some of the street shops on the way back. Bought my first souvenirs!! I won't tell what, cos one of them's a gift! I did get a cute ring though :) and I saw a couple stores I want to go back to once it's warmer and I bring more money. I almost bought some "leg wormers" though...maybe if it stays chilly I'll go back and buy them :P
Engrish is wonderful

These super creepy guys stared at us while we waited to cross the street... >_<
My friends bought bookbags, and we had a good time identifying various Kpop songs playing in the stores, but after a while it got really cold and we decided to head back. We'll see what tomorrow brings! We're gonna meet up again and with a few other people go adventure around Seoul!
 Here's a few other pics I took today:
I thought this poster was a little funny

path to the dorms at sunset

sculpture things? On other side of path to dorms
See you tomorrow, my honeys!


  1. Seriously.. omg; I love reading your blog. So cute.

  2. the meal really looks good,wish i could share it with you!!!!
