Wednesday, March 13, 2013

more engrish and food + small rant on the energy it takes to be social

Hey y' I tried for the third time to make a video tour of my room, but for some reason it always refused to upload :/ Sorry guys... SOMEDAY, I PROMISE. I'LL SHOW YOU THE AWKWARD SHOWER BATHROOM AND THE TALKING DOOR.

But until then, here's some more Engrish and Food Yums:

My cup of Kiwi Juice is a cup of coffee?

At the pie shop near Ewha... apparently this was also in an Eat Your Kimchi video!

More Jjimdak I ate with the PEACE Buddies :)
 Also, I'm trying to get my Alien Registration done tomorrow, and I have a volunteer orientation to go to...Tomorrow's gonna be busy >_< But maybe we'll go out and have fun later ^_^

Another thing I noticed about myself...I really want to make lots of friends here, but it's also really hard to to that! I mean, how hard is it just to go up to someone and say "Hi! Where are you from?" or whatever? But then I get all shy or lose my energy and just don't feel like making the effort to be extra friendly, cos frankly it's exhausting to do every day. I miss having the kinds of friends that take less effort to be around, but I acknowledge that that kind of friendship just comes with time and familiarity, and it's always a bit of a struggle to keep early friendship afloat :) I'm still lovin' it here, and I'm already dreading the day I have to go back home!

P.s. It's White Day....when boys are supposed to give chocolate and gifts to girls...and I ain't got no one to celebrate with :( BUT I DON'T CARE COS IT'S ALSO PI DAY (3.14) SO I'MMA EAT PIE INSTEAD WOOHOO! :D
Love you all!


  1. Glad you didn't run out of energy before meeting me! I had a good time last night and tonight (:

    1. I'm SO glad we met! ^_^ I'll keep my energy up if it means more good times haha :P
