Monday, March 4, 2013


I went to the Shinhan bank at Ewha today to try to figure out how I'm supposed to pay them the tuition...They're not flexible or accommodating at all. For one thing, they only want to have the tuition paid in cash or through a personal transfer, which isn't gonna happen unless I can get Beloit to wire me the money... Also for a school with a pretty big international student population, there were no good english speakers there. They had to put me on a phone with a teller at another branch who spoke better english. I can understand that not everyone is gonna know english here, but for a bank branch INSIDE a campus with hundreds of english speakers coming in each semester? It's just annoying.... :/
So I had to email Beloit, and now I'm waitingggggg for a reply... I hate the time difference at times like these.

I guess in more positive news, I somehow successfully was able to scan and upload a form using a computer that was only in korean... That was quite a puzzle :P

And I attended my first class today: Understanding Korean Cultural Diversity

It seems like it'll be fun and interesting. My next class is tomorrow morning: Korean language. Still waiting for update as to where the class will actually be held. This whole week is registration week so everything's a bit sketchy and nerve-wracking...
My other class is an online course, and I still need to figure out exactly how that's gonna work, but I'll snoop around and see what info I can find.

... i'm just really tired and have no energy left and i think i might just chill for the rest of the night if i can...
Love youse!

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