Thursday, February 28, 2013

Orientation Day

 Hey Lovely People! So yesterday was Orientation day, so we had to spend like 4 hours in an auditorium being welcomed to campus and told how to register for classes and stuff. The best part was free buffet lunch, I'll admit ^_^ Kimbap and fruit and japchae and potato/seafood salad and some mini eggroll things and some barbequed meat on a stick! YUM!
Then we went on campus tours and geez we only were introduced to like 5 buildings and this campus is huge but honestly I'm not too worried about finding my way around, the maps are really helpful and I'm gonna find my classes before they officially start up so I make SURE I don't get lost!
So that all wrapped up around 4:30, maybe, so then a couple girls and I decided to go walk around and find this convenience store called Daiso, because I needed to get a bowl and other eating stuff.
There was lots of adorable stuff there, and I almost bought a cup with some cute Engrish on it, something like "Hope you have a happy Tiger", but instead I bought a more adorable cup with baby animals and some Japanese on it :)
BRB I want some Banana Milk...

Anyway! Afterwards we went and got dinner at a place called Mr. Pizza. The pizzas in Korea are a bit different from those in America, and hopefully I'll try them all someday, but this time we decided to try Bulgogi Pizza!
 Bulgogi, or Korean BBQ, is beef marinated in this really really good sort of sweet marinade. It also came with a little cup of butter and sweet pickles, and I can only assume we were supposed to eat those with the pizza, cos I definitely dipped my pizza in them. It was pretty good :) It was also good luck that we'd decided to eat at Mr. Pizza, because at the table next to us were all the Ewha PEACE Buddies. The Peace Buddies are Ewha students who are here to help us adjust to life here and also organize activities for us to do, such as the Welcoming Party at the Barfly club that was going to happen later that night.....But more about that later! We ended up asking the Peace Buddies where we should go with the check, and that's how we learned to take the check up to the counter where we'd come in.

There was this cute little comic book about how Mr. Pizza was created :)
napkin holder at Pizza place...Why does it say "love for women"?? We still don't know

Bought this cute ice cream at Orange Mart. It's vanilla strawberry on top and apple ice on the bottom!
Went back to campus and went our separate ways until we'd meet up again at 6:15 to go to the International Education Building, where everyone was going to gather and go together down to the BarFly for the party.
All dressed up?
So we were this huuuuge group of exchange students migrating through the streets of Seoul to this club, and we all honestly just felt too tired to party, but we were gonna try anyway! Especially cos they gave us all coupons for 3 free drinks ;) Hollaaaa! Here's some pics of the walk over...

Sexy Beer Man

The BarFly
You can also sort of see the little store next to the club...where this old lady came out and yelled at us for being a nuisance and stopping people from coming to her store...>_< So they club people talked to her and then made us move the line around to the other side so we weren't in front of her anymore...
Why is the club "Occult III" themed??
So it was really super loud inside, like not as loud as clubs and parties usually are...And why would they make it so loud if this is supposed to be a place for us to mingle and get to know each other? Whatever, it was still fun :)
My friend put her Minnie Bow on me...

New Friends! (yay, I'm making friends! *hyperventilating*)

After our free drinks ran out, we bought more. This is my Pink Panda :)

Store outside the club. "Something Women Want" WHY DO THESE RESTAURANTS WANT TO PLEASE WOMEN SO MUCH? is it just cause they're near a women's university??
Another thing, even though this is a Woman's University, there is actually quite a lot of guys here too. Sure, they're in the minority, but there's definitely quite a few male exchange students. Cool, huh?
So we left around 9:30, I think? We were all super tired and didn't want to stay until 11, when the party would end. We left and luckily one of the girls in our group is from here, so she called her gran and got some directions back, because we weren't quite sure if we knew the way back, especially since we were all slightly tipsy... :P Turns out the club is actually really easy to get to from Ewha, and we know how to get back if we ever want to go party there again.
Once again all the street food smelled heavenly on the walk back, and I saw a few cute shops that I want to go back and visit...
While we were walking and chatting, one of the girls suddenly stopped and said "G-Dragon alert!!" so I had to stop and take this pic... I love that man :P
GD for Saem
Aaaand then we got back and chillled in the lounge, got each other's contact info, and chatted about random stuff like Kdramas, BB cream, North Korea, and the possibility of a sandstorm today... if it is a sandstorm, I can't tell, all I know is it's really windy and colder than it was earlier. I do need to buy a mask though, for times when smog is bad or if an actually bad sandstorm does come in.... I'll make sure and buy a really cute mask tho ;)
Sooo yeah! Then I got to sleep in and then I just went out and got lunch and now I'm here updating my blog! Maybe I should go buy detergent, I think my roomie and I are gonna do laundry tomorrow...
More to come! Love you all! Please comment if you can, I love hearing from you guys!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Wow. I did not expect this milk to be banana flavored...
too lazy to take iphone pic, here's one from google
But I guess it does say banana milk...
At least it was a yummy surprise

Pictures from Today and a little tour...

Ewha Campus Complex-Morning in Seoul

Angle view

Welch-Ryang Auditorium...I saw people taking pictures here so I did too. Plus it's pretty

A pretty compass thing that I found

Attempt at an artistic picture of compass thing. The inscription in the background says this area was dedicated to someone from Michigan for something about helping establish something. ...sorry
THIS! THIS IS THE DRINK THAT TRICKED ME! It may LOOK like apple juice but let me assure you, it AINT! SMELLS BAD. i poured it down the drain. gross.

Django Unchained....

view from other side of campus complex

Yummy Yummy ChocoMilk!

road next to my dorm, near sunset in the smog


The cute little mudroom/shoe removal area that I forgot to film. the little light comes on automatically when you come in.
Tiny awkward video tour of room to come... Do you guys want to see that or...?

aw man...

There's gonna be an EatYourKimchi livechat tomorrow at 2pm but I'm gonna miss it cos I'll be at Orientation!!
WHYYYY the first EYK livechat while I'm in Korea and I'm BUSY

heh. oh well, i'll be here for four months :P

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day One-ish

Ok. It's currently 9:11 am in Seoul, Wednesday Feb. 27. I'm a bit out of it, because I need proper food and i'm still catching up on missed sleep. The flight from O'hare was 13 hours long, and I didn't get to bed last night until around 11. Then my body decided to wake me up at 6:30 am. ANYWAY about the flight first.
I sat next to this adorable old couple who didn't speak much or any english. They were really excited to see me studying Korean, though. I also got to eat Bibimbap, and it was pretty decent, for airline-quality bibimbap.

This is not the bibimbap that i ate. this is from google.
So we landed in Incheon, and I found a few other girls who were going to Ewha, and we sort of made our way through the complications of a foreign airport together. Met up with my ewha buddy who took a bus with me to Seoul and we walked to Ewha from there. OH man. So...let me tell you, the WHOLE walk to Ewha, the street was just lined with shop after shop of street food. It seduced me. But of course I was honestly too thirsty and dehydrated at that point to care much about food.
Oh, point of interest. The first official Kpop song that I heard here was SHINee's Lucifer (which honestly I wasn't expecting since it's a bit of an older song) but hey, still cool!
 Link to Lucifer video for whoever wants to listen to it......

So we walked to the Graduate Student dorms, building B, where I'm living, and found my room. I went in, and expected to find my roommate, my mysterious roommate, but alas, only her suitcase and some clothes were evident of her recent occupation of the room. Said goodbye to Ewha buddy, promised to meet up with here again on Thursday (along with the other exchange students she's helping) and dropped my stuff on the bed. Went to explore the room and the dorm.
The Bathroom...had no toilet paper.... D: Looks like that's on my shopping list. Found a dorm bathroom two floors below. Next priority: my immense need to rehydrate. Luckily I wasn't so out of it that I was stupid enough to drink straight from the tap. I knew there was a water station in the lounges on each floor, but I, regrettably, had no cup or other drinking container, nor were there any already in the lounge. CRAP. Dejected, I went back to my room. Lo and behold....My roommate was back...
Note: by this time I was really really nervous about meeting my roommate. I was already high-strung from lack of sleep as well as dehydration, and a bit overwhelmed by the language barrier. I just wanted to be alone and quiet and recover, at that moment. In addition, I'm not really a roommate person, I like living by myself, but I figured for this situation, it would be better to have a roommate, someone to explore Ewha with, and talk with about classes or whatnot. However, I was worried that maybe my roommate would be hard to get along with, wouldn't like me, etc etc. So...coming into my room to meet her, I was worried.
I came in and sat on the bed, because she was skypeing or talking with someone in Korean on her laptop.  When she ended and turned around, she seemed surprised and instantly started mumbling a little to herself in Korean.
I was like..."Uh-oh..." but I was curious too
So...she asked me in really broken english if I was from America, which I was...and at that she started panicking and even more, giggling nervously. So we tried to converse in Korean, which she had waaay better knowledge of, since i"m just a beginner. Then I stopped, and asked what else she spoke, and LUCKILY she spoke Korean AND Japanese!
so we introduced ourselves and talked a little in japanese, and I"m surprised how well I got by, considering I was dead tired and desperately needed something to drink. But everything is great, and I"m actually really excited because this will give me a chance to keep using my Japanese and improve, and she'll get a little better at her English too.
OK so after that I really really really needed something to drink, so told the roomie I was going out, and went to look for a convenience store to buy some water or a cup or something. I was definitely in a bit of a daze, and I took this little video... I hope it works and is not too embarrassing haha...

 (Yeah that was really embarrassing. Btw the plug I mention at the end refers to the wall adapters for like my laptop and stuff. And luckily turns out I didn't actually need to buy one cos I'm just dumb and the adapter I have works fine...)
So then, I walked to the shops around the campus entrance, couldn't find a convenience store, turned around and followed some other path and found a busy street with no shops, walked back towards the dorm, went BACK to the shops, turned left and found a little shop AT LAST but it really was just me being dumb cos I saw it and was just like "eh, I don't think that's a convenience store" but then it actually was. So I went in and bought a humongous water bottle, grabbed a smaller bottle of apple juice, and a little frappuccino for the morning. Went out, went to drink the apple juice first, and found out I'd made a huge mistake. See, the thing is, the apple juice didn't have pictures of apples on the front. Sure, it was a golden delicious looking liquid, but instead there was a picture of wheat or grain on the front and I was like..."The hell is this...?" soooo took a sniff and thank god I didn't take a swig straight off in my disorientation because it smelled disgusting, no offense to anyone who actually knows what I was about to drink and likes it. Sooo...I'm gonna pour that down the drain.
Instead opened the water bottle and drank its sweet sweet nectar of life. Slightly mineral-y nectar of life.
Went back home, finished unpacking, climbed into bed, and eventually fell asleep and had really weird vivid dreams that made me question reality when I woke up.
Took a shower in the weird bathroom, pictures of which will eventually be up, and set up internet on my computah, skyped with the parents, and made this crazy crazy post.
And I'm still a little weird in the head cos I'm hungry and all I have is brownies and oreos and so I'm about to go find a starbucks or dunkin donuts and eat me some breakfast.
I have my Korean Language placement test today too, so hopefully that'll go well.
This post was really long and a struggle and I'm gonna go now and explore a bit.

Monday, February 18, 2013

T minus ONE WEEK

Ok kids. The official countdown has started. Exactly one week from now I'll be on a plane to Seoul...
I'm a bit nervous cos it'll be my first time flying alone, but I'm not too worried, cos I don't mind asking for help or directions or just wandering aimlessly 'til I stumble upon where I need to go.

I've been looking through classes that I have to choose from, trying to narrow down which ones I want to sign up for. Of course I'll be taking a Korean language class, hopefully at a level slightly higher than beginner. I already know a bit so I'm gonna really disappointed if I have to sit through half a semester of stuff I already know. ANYWAY other classes that caught my eye were: Diversity in Language and Culture, Premodern History of Korea, The World and Christianity, Drawing Workshop I, Therapeutic Use of Music on Human Behavior, Korean Aesthetics, and Contemporary Korean Fiction. I'll have to choose 2-4 of these classes to take this semester....

That's all for today, I suppose this blog thingy won't get exciting until I'm actually abroad :P

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Hello, lovely readers, you've found Krista's study abroad blog! In case you didn't know, I'm going to....SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA!! YAAAY!
So, for ya'll who need a frame of reference, this is where S.Korea is in the world...

and THIS is where Seoul is, the capital city, where my University is located:

I'll be studying at Ewha Women's University, which is one of the top women's universities in the world. "A Woman's University?!" you say? Where will I meet dashing young men, you ask? DO NOT FEAR!! Not only are there male international students allowed, but Yonsei university is quite close to ewha...if you know what I mean... ;) Also, it's in the capital city, heck yeah i'm gonna see dem guys round and about. But do not worry, I shall not be chasing boys the whole time I'm there, I've got studying to do! and sightseeing and yummy korean food to eat! Lots of friends to make and soju to drink as well :) I will also add another post with more information about my university at a later date...
Here's a lovely image of part of Ewha's Campus, and be sure that I'll post my own pics once I'm there:

So yes! I should be leaving Monday Feb. 25, and arriving in Korea on Tuesday the 26, and I'll be there until June 20. I hope I experience some really amazing things while I'm abroad, and have tons of thrilling stories to enthrall you with!
Until next time.....